Me võtame vastutuse. Sinu naha eest. Ja meie planeedi eest.

Me võtame vastutuse. Sinu naha eest. Ja meie planeedi eest.
AtopiControl ihupiim, mis sisaldab rohkelt oomega-6-rasvhappeid (kuningakepiõli ja viinamarjaseemneõli) ning rahustava toimega likohalkoon A-d (saadakse lagritsajuureekstraktist), turgutab nahka, aitab taastada selle loomuliku kaitsekihi ning suurendab naha vastupanuvõimet. Kasuta üks-kaks korda päevas ägenemishoogude ajal AtopiControl intensiivhoolduskreemi toetava vahendina.
Leevendab korrapärasel kasutamisel sügelust ja pingulolekut ning jätab naha pehmeks ja tunduvalt siledamaks. On kliiniliselt ja dermatoloogiliselt tõestatud, et AtopiControl ihupiim sobib täiskasvanute, laste ja üle kolmekuuste beebide atoopilisele nahale.
Nahaärrituse ja allergia tekkimise ohu vähendamiseks ei sisalda see vesi-õlis-tüüpi koostisega toode värv- või lõhnaaineid ega parabeene.
Kuidas kasutada
Valime kõik koostisosad väga hoolikalt ega tee kunagi kvaliteedis järeleandmisi. Avasta rohkem selle toote peamiste koostisosade kohta.
Meie toodete koostisosi uuendatakse regulaarselt. Seetõttu võib aeg-ajalt esineda lahknevusi meie veebisaidil ja meie tootepakendil olevate koostisosade vahel. Seega soovitame alati pöörata tähelepanu meie tootepakendil olevale teabele ja kontrollida seal loetletud koostisosi.
Viinamarjaseemneõli sisaldab rohkelt asendamatuid rasvhappeid ja E-vitamiini. Samuti leidub selles palju polüfenoole ja flavonoide, mis on tugeva antioksüdantse toimega ja seepärast kaitsevad vabade radikaalide tekitatud kahju eest. Peale selle sisaldab õli veel nahka rahustavat ja toitvat linoolhapet.
What is the difference between Eucerin AtopiControl Cream and Eucerin AtopiControl Lotion?
The balm and the lotion are both ideal for use on atopic skin all over the body. They are both effective at soothing skin and supporting its natural barrier function. The choice of which product to use comes down to textural preference: the balm is an oil-in-water formulation and is lighter; the water-in-oil lotion is richer. Some people choose to use the lotion during the winter and the balm during the summer. The cream has a thicker texture and has been specially formulated for use on problem areas such as the elbows and knees.
Is Eucerin AtopiControl Lotion suitable for use on children?
Yes, so long as your child is four weeks or older.
What do you mean by a ‘flare-up’ and ‘the period between flare-ups’?
Broadly speaking, Atopic Dermatitis has two different phases. A ‘flare-up’ is one of the names used to describe the acute, active phase when skin is at its most irritable. It can feel intensely itchy, you may experience a burning sensation and skin can look red, dry and flaky. Between these acute, flare-up phases are periods of time when your skin is relatively calm and less irritated. This period is also known as the non-acute, non-active or interval phase. The length of each phase varies greatly depending on the individual, but products specially formulated to care for atopic skin − such as those in the Eucerin AtopiControl range − can help to extend the period between flare-ups and offer relief during acute flare-ups.
Is Atopic Dermatitis the same as Eczema?
Atopic Dermatitis and Atopic Eczema are collective terms for inflammatory changes to the skin and they include many different dermatological diseases. Atopic Dermatitis and Atopic Eczema are used to describe the same chronic inflammatory condition.
Do you have Atopic Dermatitis and are looking for an all over body moisturiser for daily use?
Used daily, Eucerin AtopiControl Lotion will help to prolong the period between flare-ups and can also be used during flare-ups alongside your usual medication and Eucerin AtopiControl Acute Care Cream to help soothe skin and reduce itching.
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