Me võtame vastutuse. Sinu naha eest. Ja meie planeedi eest.

Me võtame vastutuse. Sinu naha eest. Ja meie planeedi eest.
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Valime kõik koostisosad väga hoolikalt ega tee kunagi kvaliteedis järeleandmisi. Avasta rohkem selle toote peamiste koostisosade kohta.
Meie toodete koostisosi uuendatakse regulaarselt. Seetõttu võib aeg-ajalt esineda lahknevusi meie veebisaidil ja meie tootepakendil olevate koostisosade vahel. Seega soovitame alati pöörata tähelepanu meie tootepakendil olevale teabele ja kontrollida seal loetletud koostisosi.
Pantenool, mida nimetatakse ka dekspantenooliks ja B5-provitamiiniks, on B5-vitamiini derivaat. See leevendab tõhusalt nahapunetust, aitab taastada naha loomulikku kaitsekihti ja toetab selle uuenemist. Samuti aitab pantenool nahas vett siduda ja seda talletada, tänu millele on see väga hea niisutaja.
Glütseriin ehk glütserool on niiskusesäilitaja ehk aitab nahas vett siduda ja talletada. Glütseriin on väga tõhusa niisutava toimega – silub kuiva nahka ning tagab sellele pikaajalise kaitse ja hoolduse. Glütserool on värvitu, lõhnatu ja mittetoksiline ühend.
Naha kaitsev happeline ehk hüdrolipiidne kiht on vaid kergelt happeline. On tähtis, et selle pH oleks vahemikus 5,4–5,9, sest siis aktiveeruvad kaitsvad ensüümid, mis reguleerivad bakterite kasvu ja soodustavad surnud naharakkude irdumist. Tundliku naha korral ei ole see kiht enam happeline, mistõttu on naha loomulik kaitsevõime häiritud. Tsitraadi puhverlahus pH-ga 5 aitab taastada ja säilitada naha loomulikku pH-d, toetades ensüümide aktiveerumist ja naha kaitsmist ärritajate eest.
How can I be sure that your products are safe for my sensitive skin?
All Eucerin pH5 products have been specially formulated to combine excellent skin protection and regeneration with clinically-proven skin tolerability. Eucerin pH5 Body Lotion is suitable for frequent use on skin that is prone to type 1 allergies such as Hay Fever.
Before applying a new product all over your body, test it first by applying it repeatedly to the skin on the inside of your elbow. If there’s no reaction (e.g. redness, swelling or itching) then it’s safe to assume the product is compatible with your skin. If you have any concerns we recommend that you ask a pharmacist or dermatologist for their advice.
Why does skin need protection?
Our skin works hard to protect our bodies. It defends the body from external influences such as changes in climate, pollution, UV light, and chemicals. But these environmental forces can have an impact on skin and cause it to become stressed. When skin is stressed, it is less able to work as an efficient barrier. It loses moisture and becomes permeable from the outside. It’s important that we protect our skin and support the optimal pH balance for its natural barrier function. Skin is then able to carry on its important work of protecting us.
What are the active ingredients in the Eucerin pH5 range?
Eucerin pH5 cleansers and moisturisers contain mild ingredients that have been clinically and dermatologically tested and proven to restore skin’s optimal pH and protect its natural defenses, making it more resilient and less sensitive to environmental triggers.
These include pH5 Citrate Buffer to restore and support skin’s optimal pH, and Dexpanthenol, an active ingredient known for its regenerative properties. Dexpanthenol increases skin’s resilience to irritation, has wound healing properties, and leaves skin looking and feeling soft and smooth.
All products in the Eucerin pH5 range have excellent skin compatibility with dry, sensitive skin.
What is the difference between the pH5 Light Gel Cream and the pH5 Lotion?
Both pH5 lotion and pH5 Light Gel Cream are formulated to moisturise, protect, and soothe sensitive skin. Eucerin pH5 Light Gel Cream has an ultra-light texture that is non-greasy, non-sticky, and is absorbed by the skin rapidly without leaving a residue.
Loe asjakohaseid artikleid
Panthenol, Glycerin, pH5 Citrate Buffer
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