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DermatoCLEAN hüaluroonhappega värskendav toonik
Õrnatoimeline ja alkoholivaba toonik, mis värskendab nahka ning aitab sel paremini hingata.
Eucerini kvaliteetsete toodete aluseks on ulatuslikud uurimused ning kirglikkus naha suhtes. Loomulikult valivad Eucerini eksperdid kõikide toodete koostisosi väga hoolikalt ning piiravad koostisosade arvu. Kuid talumatuse või allergiate korral soovitame siiski teatud koostisosad meie koostisosade andmebaasist järele vaadata.
Being a derivative of the skin’s own humectant glycerol, glyercyl glucosides facilitate epidermal moisturization. Dry, stressed skin shows significant reduced aquaporin channels. These channels control the transport of cellular water and other small solutes between and into cells. Thus, playing an important role in maintaining epidermal water balance. The most abundant aquaporin in the epidermis is aquaporin-3 (AQP3). Glucosylglycerol (Gluco-glycerol) stimulates the expression of AQP3 in epidermal skin cells and has been shown to stimulate the formation of aquaporin 3 (AQP3) in skin cells, thus increasing the number of aquaporins that control water transport in and out of cells.